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Awas! Jangan terpedaya scammer 'pancing data' PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 26 April 2021 10:34

Cybersecurity: how to protect yourself from phishing scamsApril 24, 2021 16:31 MYT
KUALA LUMPUR: Kes-kes penipuan 'memancing data' perbankan internet dilihat semakin meningkat sejak kebelakangan ini.

Pelbagai taktik digunakan termasuk menerusi panggilan telefon, menghantar khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) secara rambang menyerupai pesanan bank dan juga kiriman emel bagi memperdaya pengguna supaya menyerahkan maklumat peribadi seperti nama dan kata laluan akaun perbankan Internet.

Baru-baru ini Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) mendedahkan beberapa helah dan modus operandi yang digunakan scammer itu.

Modus operandi itu turut digunakan untuk memperdaya dan memperoleh nombor Transaction Authorization Code (TAC) atau One-Time PIN (OTP) daripada pengguna.

Berikut modus operandi yang dikesan digunakan scammer:

1. Pesanan ringkas SMS atau mana-mana aplikasi pesanan termasuk WhatsApp dihantar menyatakan berlakunya transaksi kewangan mencurigakan atau wujud keperluan untuk pengguna mengesahkan, mengemas kini atau mengaktifkan semula akaun perbankan Internet.

2. Pengguna diminta untuk melayari pautan laman sesawang palsu yang diberikan dan kemudian memasukkan nama dan kata laluan akaun perbankan Internet.

Beware of motor insurance vultures PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 19 April 2021 09:50

Motor and Car Insurance Online | Vehicle Insurance Policy |  Squareinsurance.inApril 18, 2021
Remember the vultures who used to spill oil on the road to cause car crashes? They might be back, so watch out.

What has happened over the past few years is a baffling mystery: there are victims but no logical motive.

We’re talking about annual billion-ringgit fraud claims in the motor insurance business and a Bank Negara Malaysia-initiated programme to minimise losses to motor insurance companies.

It seems like these efforts between BNM and motor insurance companies grouped under the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) to establish an ethical standard to the crash repair business have come to zero at the hands of the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC).

MyCC last year won a court judgment that penalised PIAM and 22 insurance companies for a total of RM174 million for offences against the Competition Act.

On that note, MyCC is also in the process of amending the law so that it can rule on mergers and acquisitions as it notably couldn’t when Grab and Uber merged in Malaysia a few years ago.

Let me tell you the story and see if you can solve the who-done-it question:

Like most progressive nations, Malaya went through a motorisation phase after the First World War when tin miners and rubber plantation owners were so rich that they bought British, French and American cars and rubber tappers without electricity bought fridges to store their food.

Loan sharks trap unsuspecting victims PDF Print E-mail
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Monday, 19 April 2021 09:30

Taktik Baru Ah Long...kenapa yer ? - Info Wang19 APR 2021
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have uncovered a new tactic by loan shark syndicates in entrapping victims with loans they never took.

Federal police commercial crimes investigations director Commissioner Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob said yesterday that the scam would begin with a sum of cash being deposited into the bank accounts of an unsuspecting individual.

He said the syndicate members would then call up the bank account holder and inform him or her that the deposit was mistakenly made before requesting the cash be returned.

“The victims usually obliged the request and would return the cash. However, about a month later, unlicensed moneylenders would began calling up the victims and demand repayment for a purported loan they took, often the exact sum that had been deposited into their bank account and returned to the syndicate earlier.” he said.

Zainuddin said although police have not received reports of such cases, he did not discount that it existed or has occurred.

He advised the public to be cautious at all times if they are faced with such scams.

Zainuddin said if the public found cash deposited into their bank accounts without their knowledge or consent, they should lodge a police report and raise the matter with the bank concerned to seek advice on how to address the issue.



71-year-old woman loses RM18k in love scam PDF Print E-mail
Written by admin3   
Monday, 19 April 2021 09:36

WASPADA 'LOVE SCAM' ALAM SIBER | Nadi NegaraMELAKA: A 71-year-old woman fell victim to an online love scam before losing RM18,000 to a syndicate operating via social media.

State Commercial Crime Investigation Department chief, Superintendent E. Sundra Rajan said the senior citizen befriended a man via Facebook on March 27 and then continued their relationship through WhatsApp.

"During their initial introduction online, the suspect told the victim he would be traveling to Japan to work on a railway construction project via a cargo ship.

"He then made up another story saying he was detained at the Melaka Port and needed money to secure his release," he said.
The woman then told her nephew to help her with the transactions.

"The victim's nephew made seven payments amounting to RM18,000 to three different bank accounts given by the suspect.

"After the payment was made, the suspect kept asking for more money from the victim, but this time it was allegedly for the Customs officers who stopped him.

"The suspect deceived her again saying he had been detained by Customs officers because he was carrying a large sum of cash with him, which wasn't true," he said.

Sundra said the woman had sought her nephew's help again, but this time the nephew did not help her.

Kahwin tak jadi, lesap RM223,010 PDF Print E-mail
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Friday, 16 April 2021 12:56

WASPADA 'LOVE SCAM' ALAM SIBER | Nadi NegaraApril 16, 2021 @ 10:26am
Kota Bharu: Menjalin hubungan cinta dan dijanjikan untuk berkahwin menyebabkan seorang ibu tunggal lesap RM223,010 kerana diperdaya sindiket 'Love Scammer'.

Taktik itu digunakan suspek dengan menyamar sebagai individu yang berpangkat 'Datuk' dan berkenalan dengan mangsa yang juga seorang penjawat awam berusia 44 tahun.

Ketua Polis Kelantan, Datuk Shafien Mamat berkata, mangsa berkenalan dengan suspek yang kononnya menetap di Amerika Syarikat menerusi media sosial Facebook pada November tahun lalu.

"Mangsa dan suspek kemudiannya meneruskan hubungan menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp dan lebih kurang dua bulan selepas itu suspek memberitahu ingin menjalinkan hubungan lebih serius serta berhasrat untuk berkahwin.

"Pada Januari lalu, suspek menyatakan dalam proses berpindah ke Malaysia untuk bekerja dan mendakwa kad kreditnya mengalami masalah untuk digunakan.

"Sehubungan itu, suspek meminta wang daripada pengadu untuk pelbagai tujuan dan antara Januari hingga 9 April lalu, mangsa sudah membuat sekurang-kurangnya 59 transaksi pembayaran ke 10 akaun bank milik individu berbeza dengan jumlah RM223,010," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini.

Last Updated on Monday, 19 April 2021 09:39
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