FS Turmeric Cream found to contain scheduled poisonsAwas taktik 'ini nombor baharu' |
Written by admin3
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 10:46 |
Selasa, 26 Januari 2021 @ 1:51 PM
Petaling Jaya: Menyamar sebagai 'rakan' atau 'saudara' dengan memberi alasan menggunakan nombor telefon baharu. Itu taktik penipuan dalam talian menyebabkan kerugian RM250,000 yang dikesan di daerah ini sejak tahun lalu.
Ketua Polis Daerah Petaling Jaya Asisten Komisioner Nik Ezanee Mohd Faisal berkata, dalam keadaan negara berdepan pandemik Covid-19, ramai mencari jalan pintas untuk mendapatkan wang dengan cara mudah.
Menurutnya, setakat inu pihaknya menerima sebanyak 78 laporan polis berhubung penipuan urusan pinjaman wang dalam talian sejak Januari tahun lalu sehingga kini.
Katanya, kebanyakan kes penipuan itu menggunakan modus operandi menyamar sebagai rakan atau saudara bagi urusan pinjaman wang.
"Berdasarkan keterangan daripada mangsa-mangsa, suspek mulanya akan memperkenalkan diri sebagai 'rakan' atau 'saudara' dan memberitahu nombor telefon yang digunakan itu adalah nombor baharu kerana nombor telefon asal hilang.
"Malah, suspek turut berjaya memperdaya mangsa dengan meniru suara sebenar atau mirip suara rakan atau ahli keluarga mangsa," katanya dalam satu kenyataan, hari ini.
Nik Ezanee berkata, suspek menggunakan profil WhatsApp memaparkan gambar rakan mangsa membuatkan mereka bertambah yakin bahawa rakan terbabit sedang dalam kesusahan dan ingin meminjam wang.
Last Updated on Wednesday, 10 March 2021 16:37 |
Written by admin3
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 10:45 |
February 7, 2021 10:59 AM
KUALA LUMPUR: The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the earning capacity of many Malaysians, and this could tempt some to turn to the time-tested way of raising some hard cash through tontine, which is known locally as “kootu”.
But several lawyers have advised the people to exercise caution when participating in tontine lest they be caught on the wrong side of the law.
Some aspects of how locals operate could violate Section 3 of the Kootu Funds (Prohibition) Act 1971 (Act 28), they said.
Lawyer Teeruvarasu K Muthusamy said tontine is loosely defined as a pool of money raised from contributions made by a group of individuals at regular intervals, on a weekly or monthly basis.
The money is then withdrawn from the pool by the group leader and given to a participant, mainly by a lottery mechanism to determine the sequence of distribution among the participants.
He said while playing the traditional kootu fund among friends and family is legal according to the Registrar of Societies, it can be illegal in two situations.
“It becomes an offence when the leader charges a membership fee from the participants to join the scheme. It also becomes illegal when the leader claims profits from the contributions to enrich himself,” he told Bernama.
Teeruvarasu said the other scenario that would render the activity illegal is when the fund is advertised or promoted among the general public.
Aduan Pengguna: Kualiti Capaian Internet (Telekomunikasi) |
Written by admin3
Monday, 08 February 2021 10:31 |
---------- From the Desk of CEO ----------
Jenis Aduan: Kualiti Capaian Internet (Telekomunikasi)
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission Act 1998
Aduan Pengguna:
Pihak NCCC telah menerima aduan daripada Mr.K berkenaan dengan kualiti tahap capaian internet yang tidak memuaskan seperti apa yang telah dibayar atau dilanggan di syarikat telekomunikasi X. Pengguna juga tidak berpuas hati dan berasa tertipu kerana perlu membayar komitmen bulanan yang tidak setimpal dengan servis perkhidmatan internet yang berikan oleh syarikat telekomunikasi X.
1) Pihak NCCC telah memanjangkan dan menghubungi syarikat telekomunikasi X untuk menyelesaikan pertikaian antara pengguna dan syarikat tersebut.
2) Pihak NCCC juga telah memanjangkan masalah ini kepada pihak Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM) untuk pemerhatian pihak berkenaan supaya isu seperti ini dapat diatasi justeru dapat memperjuangkan hak-hak pengguna.
Apa PENGGUNA boleh lakukan?
1) Pengguna hendaklah MENGUJI sambungan penghala (router) dan MENGEMUKAKAN laporan aduan kelajuan internet. Antara pautan yang boleh digunakan untuk menyemak kelajuan internet adalah seperti; www.speedtest.net /www.meter.net dan sebagainya.
2) Selepas pengguna menguji kelajuan internet, sila 'SCREENSHOT' dan SIMPAN keputusan ujian kelajuan internet sebagai bukti apabila membuat aduan.
3) Pengguna perlu MENGHUBUNGI dan MELAPORKAN aduan kepada Pusat Khidmat Aduan Pengguna Nasional (NCCC) dan Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia (SKMM).
Last Updated on Monday, 08 February 2021 10:51 |
MCMC: Courier companies can be fined up to RM300,000 for violating Postal Services Act 2012 |
Written by admin3
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 09:34 |
Wednesday, 10 Feb 2021 08:44 AM MYT
KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 10 — Early this week, a video of J&T Express staff mishandling parcels had gone viral due to an alleged misunderstanding of bonus arrangements by the courier company.
J&T Express had issued a statement, while the staff have also posted an apology video on Facebook.
Since the postal service falls under the jurisdiction of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the regulatory body has issued a statement on the matter without naming the courier company.
It mentioned that they are looking into the matter seriously and have told them to provide an explanation.
The MCMC said they have also issued a stern warning to the company’s management and have urged them to take necessary steps to improve the handling of customer packages.
The statement also reminded all licensed courier companies under the Postal Services Act 2012 to adhere to the conditions and rules, especially when it comes to protecting the rights of consumers.
Any license holders that have violated any subsidiary legislation under the Act can be fined up to RM300,000 or imprisoned up to 3 years, or both.
The MCMC has also urged all consumers to understand and be aware of their rights before choosing a service from a courier company.
If there are any damaged or loss items, consumers are urged to contact the service provider to report a complaint. If you’re not satisfied with the provided solution, you may proceed to lodge a formal complaint with the commission via the Aduan SKMM portal. — SoyaCincau
Source: https://www.malaymail.com/news/malaysia/2021/02/10/mcmc-courier-companies-can-be-fined-up-to-rm300000-for-violating-postal-ser/1948557 |
Consumer's Complaint: Flight Cancellation (Travel & Leisure) |
Written by admin3
Monday, 08 February 2021 10:10 |
---------- From the Desk of CEO ----------
Type of complaint: Flight Cancellation (Travel & Leisure)
Consumer Protection Act 1999 (599)
NCCC has received a complaint from a consumer on flight cancellation at the very last minute with no proper redress mechanism and company XX removed the terms and conditions. Moreover, company XX did not approve any refund and felt frustrated which is consumers need to fork out extra money to book another ticket.
> Complaints on flight cancellation are often associated with the airline industries cancelling at the very last minute with no proper redress mechanism. This leaves passengers in great dissapoiment especially those who are going for business trip and consumers who had made prior arrangements for their trip.
1) NCCC has approached the company for a dispute resolution between the consumer and company.
2) NCCC also has forwarded the complaint to the enforcement authority to investigate the issues.
What CONSUMERS can do?
i) Consumers must KEEP all the receipt, relevant documents and also the email conversation as a PROOF.
ii) Consumers also need to make a REPORT to the airport or aviation service provider.
iii) Besides, consumers can also report to the Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) if the company XX has not resolved the complaint after 30days.
The Malaysian Aviation Commission (MAVCOM) plays a role in consumer protection in relation to flight services. If the airline, airport or aviation service provider has not resolved your complaint after 30 days from your initial complaint, you may submit a complaint to MAVCOM: http://www.mavcom.my/en/consumer/make-a-complaint/r
Last Updated on Monday, 08 February 2021 10:55 |
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