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Consumer's Complaint: Misleading Advertisement (E-Commerce) PDF Print E-mail
Written by admin3   
Friday, 15 January 2021 16:03

---------- From the Desk of CEO ----------

Type of complaint: Misleading Advertisement (E-Commerce)

Consumers Complaint:

NCCC has received a complaint from a consumer about being deceived by a misleading advertisement. The complainant bought a drill but all he got was a battery for the drill. He already spoke to the supplier and called company XXX but until now the consumer do not have any solution provided by the seller/company XXX services.

NCCC Action & Advise:

According to the Consumer Protection Act 1999, making false and misleading advertising is an offence. A false advertisement is one that provides deceiving information. A misleading advertisement is one that confuses or misleads consumers into making a wrong decision with regard to the purchase of goods and services.
  • NCCC has approached the company for a dispute resolution between the consumer and company.
  • NCCC also has forwarded the complaint to the enforcement authority to investigate the claim.
  • Consumers may be able to sue for damages if they can prove in court that the advertisement fraudulently made them lose money.
  • Consumers suing for misrepresentation must show that the seller intentionally cheated them.
  • Consumers may also report misleading advertisements to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) which will act to stop false and misleading advertisements.

Last Updated on Friday, 15 January 2021 16:40