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Aduan kes ah long meningkat 40 peratus PDF Print E-mail
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Thursday, 11 February 2021 12:09

Image result for ahlong11 Februari 2021

SHAH ALAM - Persatuan Pengguna Islam Malaysia (PPIM) merekodkan peningkatan aduan kes ah long sebanyak 40 peratus sejak November tahun lalu disebabkan kesan pandemik Covid-19.

Setiausaha Kerja PPIM, Zharif Johor berkata, jumlah aduan harian meningkat sekali ganda berbanding sebelum ini kerana dipercayai lebih ramai terlibat dengan pinjaman ah long kerana desakan hidup.

“Boleh dikatakan sejumlah 80 peratus daripada pengadu terjebak dengan pinjaman ah long dan memerlukan bantuan PPIM untuk menyelesaikan tuntutan adalah disebabkan terkesan dengan pandemik Covid-19.

“Selain untuk perbelanjaan harian, rata-rata mereka membuat pinjaman ah long untuk modal memulakan perniagaan selepas dibuang kerja.

“Ada juga yang perniagaan yang terjejas dan terpaksa pinjam wang daripada ah long,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian pada Rabu.

Namun begitu jelas Zharif, berdasarkan aduan diterima sejak November, jumlah pinjaman yang dibuat pengadu tidak sebanyak kes-kes sebelum ini.

“Jika sebelum ini jumlah pengadu mungkin tidak seperti sekarang tetapi ia melibatkan jumlah pinjaman yang besar sehingga berjuta-juta ringgit.

“Berdasarkan rekod sejak tiga bulan ini, kes aduan meningkat menunjukkan lebih ramai terjebak dengan ah long tetapi jumlah tuntutan pinjaman yang sederhana serendah RM10,000 hingga RM200,000,” katanya.

Katanya, terdapat kes seorang suri rumah berusia 27 tahun membuat pinjaman dengan sembilan ah long setelah suaminya dibuang kerja.

Kedai makan kena kompaun kerana 2 nasi bungkus RM38 PDF Print E-mail
Written by admin3   
Thursday, 11 February 2021 12:04

Malaysiakini9 Feb 2021, 3:10 pm

Gara-gara menjual nasi bungkus berlauk kambing dengan harga tinggi, sebuah kedai makan di Kubang Kerian, Kota Bharu, dikompaun Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (KPDNHEP) Kelantan semalam.

Pengarahnya Adnan Abd Rahman berkata tindakan itu diambil susulan peniaga tersebut tidak mempamerkan tanda harga pada makanan yang dijual dan pihaknya menerima aduan daripada pengguna.

"Satu aduan awam diterima KPDNHEP Kota Bharu berkaitan satu premis tidak meletakkan tanda harga pada makanan yang dijual di Kubang Kerian.

"Sebelum itu pengadu membuat pembelian dua nasi bungkus berlauk kambing dengan harga sebanyak RM38, namun pengadu tidak berpuas hati dengan harga setelah membuat bayaran pembelian tersebut kerana harga terlalu tinggi dan tiada tanda harga dipamerkan.

"Pengadu tampil ke pejabat dengan membuat aduan rasmi berkaitan pengaduan tersebut beserta bukti pembelian dari premis terbabit," katanya kepada media di Kota Bharu, hari ini.

Sehubungan itu Adnan berkata, sepasukan penguat Kuasa KPDNHEP Kota Bharu menyiasat aduan tersebut dan hasil siasatan dijalankan mendapati memang tiada tanda harga dipamerkan di premis berkenaan.

"Satu tindakan kes dibuat mengikut Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan 2011 ke atas premis gagal mempamerkan tanda harga pada barangan yang dijual," katanya.

Adnan menambah sejak Jan lalu sehingga kini sebanyak 44 kes diambil tindakan mengikut Akta Kawalan Harga dan Antipencatutan 2011 oleh KPDNHEP Kelantan.

Last Updated on Thursday, 11 February 2021 12:11
MyCC not the right body to act against us when there's Mavcom, says MAS PDF Print E-mail
Written by admin3   
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 10:58

MyCC not the right body to act against us when there's Mavcom, says MASJanuary 18, 2021

PUTRAJAYA (Jan 12): Malaysia Airline System Bhd (MAS) today questioned whether the Malaysian Competition Commission (MyCC) was the rightful body to take action against MAS and AirAsia Bhd in relation to a collaboration agreement entered into in 2011 by the two airlines as well as AirAsia X Sdn Bhd.

Submitting in the Court of Appeal, MAS’ counsel Logan Sabapathy said the matter was within the purview of the Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom) since its formation in 2016 as a specialised body to look into the aviation industry.

The High Court had in December 2018 allowed MyCC’s judicial review application and quashed the decision of the Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT). It reinstated the March 2014 decision of MyCC, which imposed a fine of RM10 million each on MAS and AirAsia.

Noting that the aviation industry and CAT had accepted that MyCC should not have imposed the fine, Logan questioned why MyCC had proceeded to appeal against the decision made by its own appeal tribunal.

Logan said Mavcom had been set up specifically to regulate the aviation industry and should be the body to oversee the airline industry.

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Written by admin3   
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 10:59

Image result for insuransJanuary 17, 2021 11:24 PM

KUALA LUMPUR: Insurance and takaful companies said today they are working with the health ministry and Bank Negara Malaysia to explore ways to ease some of the expenses of Covid-19 patients who are treated in private hospitals.

In a joint statement, the Life Insurance Association of Malaysia, General Insurance Association of Malaysia and Malaysian Takaful Association said pandemic-related risks are generally not covered under any insurance and takaful plans worldwide.

“The exclusion stems from the difficulty in pricing for coverage relating to an event like a pandemic that may occur once in a lifetime, having an incalculable impact and cost. Covid-19 is a pandemic; hence it is not insured or covered under medical and health insurance or takaful benefits,” they said.

However, most life insurers and takaful operators in Malaysia had provided supplementary benefits such as daily hospital income to be paid to the affected policy holders, the associations said.

They said they had put in place various relief measures to help policy holders cope with the financial impact of the pandemic.

Late delivery payment begins from booking fee collection, says court PDF Print E-mail
Written by admin3   
Wednesday, 10 February 2021 10:49

January 19, 2021 1:45 PM
PUTRAJAYA: The calculation for late delivery payment to house buyers begins from the date the booking fee is paid, and not when the sale and purchase agreement (SPA) is signed, the Federal Court ruled today.

Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat said the Housing Development (Control & Licensing) 1966 and its subsidiary laws were social legislation and that was a settled law.

In a dispute brought before the court, the developers contended that the scheduled contracts must be read literally and in accordance with the intention of parties.

“It is our view that the submission is untenable. When it comes to interpreting social legislation, the courts must give effect to the intention of Parliament and not the intention of parties,” Tengku Maimun said.

“Otherwise, the attempt by the legislature to level the playing field by mitigating the inequality of bargaining power would be rendered nugatory and illusory,” she said in the judgment to allow seven appeals by purchasers.

The purchasers, from Melaka and Kuala Lumpur, had hauled the developers – PJD Regency Sdn Bhd, GJH Avenue Sdn Bhd and Sri Damansara Sdn Bhd – before the housing tribunal over the payment of the liquidated ascertained damages.

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