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Complaints - I am still waiting...??? PDF Print E-mail
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Tuesday, 29 June 2010 22:08

I subscribed to Astro B.yond last 15th May 2010. The officer in charge informed me that I will receive the service within 7 to 14 working days but till today, 9th June 2010 (or 16 working days) I am still waiting.

I called Astro on June 1st to enquire about the delay and was told by Miss U that there was technical problem with my subscription which they just discovered hence the delay. She further added that they are working on the problem and I will receive my service within 2 or 3 days. Come June 4th, there was no sign of the decoder and service being delivered as promised. I called in which they replied an officer will call me back within a few hours. No calls came but i received a miss call from them at 8.30 pm in which I was having my dinner.

Subsequently on June 7, i called Astro again and talk to Miss U and which she replied they are still were working on the technical problem. Not satisfied with the answer, I called Astro Customer Service to make a complaint. A Miss H took my particulars and gave the usual reply that the B.yond team will look into the matter. Not satisfied, i told her that want to speak to her superior or the B.yond team senior officer or any of the technical team. I wanted clarification on what is delaying the delivery and what is this technical problem they are talking about (is it because they don’t have any more B.yond decoders in stock?). This Miss H kept me on hold for several times and came back with the same answer that she has informed the B.yond team/Technical team and they would look into the matter and would call me later. When I insist that I speak to somebody senior she said she is unable to do that nor she can put me directly to the B.yond/Technical team.

She even said its not their policy to connect my calls to the B.yond/Technical team or to any superior. Miss H then said that an investigation officer called Miss T will call me to handle my case. I asked for her superior or somebody from the B.yond/Technical team and they give me an investigation officer. Miss T called me in which she apologised about the delay, saying the technical team is still working on the problem (and they do not know what is the problem) and gave her word that I will receive my decoder and B.yond service by June 9. Till today, NOTHING. In the meantime Astro promotes its B.yond service in the media stating subscribe to B.yond to watch the FIFA World Cup. I believe what they meant was the 2014 FIFA World Cup.

Status: Matter has been brought up to the service provider and relevant authorities and commission.

NCCC Advise:
From the above facts, we can identify that there is delay in delivering the promises, any series of delay and promises will cause huge dissatisfaction for consumers and gives bad impression on the service providers as well. The service providers is expected to complete or deliver any task within time frame promise or if promise within an additional time. Failure to fulfill promises and provide good services will lead to breach of law as below provisions of Consumer Protection Act 1999. We hope service providers will adopt certain good practice like what certain fastfood providers doing such as delivery by 30 minutes failure to deliver then they have to offer something addtional to customers in order to please them.

LAW: Section 10. False or misleading representation

1. No person shall make a false or misleading representation that –
a. the goods are of a particular kind, standard, quality, grade, quantity,composition, style or model;
b. the goods have had a particular history or particular previous use;
c. the services are of a particular kind, standard, quality or quantity;
d. the services are supplied by any particular person or by any person of a particular trade, qualification or skill;
e. a particular person has agreed to acquire the goods or services;
f. the goods are new or reconditioned;
g. the goods were manufactured, produced, processed or reconditioned at a particular time;

Section 53. Implied guarantee as to reasonable care and skill
Where services are supplied to a consumer, there shall be implied a guarantee that the services will be carried out with reasonable care & skill.

Section 55. Implied guarantee as to time of completion

Where services are supplied to a consumer, there shall be implied a guarantee that the services will be completed within a reasonable time where the time for the services to be carried out is not -

a. determined by the contract;
b. left to be determined in a manner agreed by the contract; or
c. left to be determined by the course of dealing between the parties.

Ms. Matheevani Marathandan
National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC)

Last Updated on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 22:26