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Beware of motor insurance vultures PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 19 April 2021 09:50

Motor and Car Insurance Online | Vehicle Insurance Policy |  Squareinsurance.inApril 18, 2021
Remember the vultures who used to spill oil on the road to cause car crashes? They might be back, so watch out.

What has happened over the past few years is a baffling mystery: there are victims but no logical motive.

We’re talking about annual billion-ringgit fraud claims in the motor insurance business and a Bank Negara Malaysia-initiated programme to minimise losses to motor insurance companies.

It seems like these efforts between BNM and motor insurance companies grouped under the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM) to establish an ethical standard to the crash repair business have come to zero at the hands of the Malaysia Competition Commission (MyCC).

MyCC last year won a court judgment that penalised PIAM and 22 insurance companies for a total of RM174 million for offences against the Competition Act.

On that note, MyCC is also in the process of amending the law so that it can rule on mergers and acquisitions as it notably couldn’t when Grab and Uber merged in Malaysia a few years ago.

Let me tell you the story and see if you can solve the who-done-it question:

Like most progressive nations, Malaya went through a motorisation phase after the First World War when tin miners and rubber plantation owners were so rich that they bought British, French and American cars and rubber tappers without electricity bought fridges to store their food.

71-year-old woman loses RM18k in love scam PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 19 April 2021 09:36

WASPADA 'LOVE SCAM' ALAM SIBER | Nadi NegaraMELAKA: A 71-year-old woman fell victim to an online love scam before losing RM18,000 to a syndicate operating via social media.

State Commercial Crime Investigation Department chief, Superintendent E. Sundra Rajan said the senior citizen befriended a man via Facebook on March 27 and then continued their relationship through WhatsApp.

"During their initial introduction online, the suspect told the victim he would be traveling to Japan to work on a railway construction project via a cargo ship.

"He then made up another story saying he was detained at the Melaka Port and needed money to secure his release," he said.
The woman then told her nephew to help her with the transactions.

"The victim's nephew made seven payments amounting to RM18,000 to three different bank accounts given by the suspect.

"After the payment was made, the suspect kept asking for more money from the victim, but this time it was allegedly for the Customs officers who stopped him.

"The suspect deceived her again saying he had been detained by Customs officers because he was carrying a large sum of cash with him, which wasn't true," he said.

Sundra said the woman had sought her nephew's help again, but this time the nephew did not help her.

Loan sharks trap unsuspecting victims PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 19 April 2021 09:30

Taktik Baru Ah Long...kenapa yer ? - Info Wang19 APR 2021
KUALA LUMPUR: Police have uncovered a new tactic by loan shark syndicates in entrapping victims with loans they never took.

Federal police commercial crimes investigations director Commissioner Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob said yesterday that the scam would begin with a sum of cash being deposited into the bank accounts of an unsuspecting individual.

He said the syndicate members would then call up the bank account holder and inform him or her that the deposit was mistakenly made before requesting the cash be returned.

“The victims usually obliged the request and would return the cash. However, about a month later, unlicensed moneylenders would began calling up the victims and demand repayment for a purported loan they took, often the exact sum that had been deposited into their bank account and returned to the syndicate earlier.” he said.

Zainuddin said although police have not received reports of such cases, he did not discount that it existed or has occurred.

He advised the public to be cautious at all times if they are faced with such scams.

Zainuddin said if the public found cash deposited into their bank accounts without their knowledge or consent, they should lodge a police report and raise the matter with the bank concerned to seek advice on how to address the issue.



Kahwin tak jadi, lesap RM223,010 PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 16 April 2021 12:56

WASPADA 'LOVE SCAM' ALAM SIBER | Nadi NegaraApril 16, 2021 @ 10:26am
Kota Bharu: Menjalin hubungan cinta dan dijanjikan untuk berkahwin menyebabkan seorang ibu tunggal lesap RM223,010 kerana diperdaya sindiket 'Love Scammer'.

Taktik itu digunakan suspek dengan menyamar sebagai individu yang berpangkat 'Datuk' dan berkenalan dengan mangsa yang juga seorang penjawat awam berusia 44 tahun.

Ketua Polis Kelantan, Datuk Shafien Mamat berkata, mangsa berkenalan dengan suspek yang kononnya menetap di Amerika Syarikat menerusi media sosial Facebook pada November tahun lalu.

"Mangsa dan suspek kemudiannya meneruskan hubungan menggunakan aplikasi Whatsapp dan lebih kurang dua bulan selepas itu suspek memberitahu ingin menjalinkan hubungan lebih serius serta berhasrat untuk berkahwin.

"Pada Januari lalu, suspek menyatakan dalam proses berpindah ke Malaysia untuk bekerja dan mendakwa kad kreditnya mengalami masalah untuk digunakan.

"Sehubungan itu, suspek meminta wang daripada pengadu untuk pelbagai tujuan dan antara Januari hingga 9 April lalu, mangsa sudah membuat sekurang-kurangnya 59 transaksi pembayaran ke 10 akaun bank milik individu berbeza dengan jumlah RM223,010," katanya kepada pemberita di sini, hari ini.

Polis kesan penipuan guna web palsu Maybank2u PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 16 April 2021 09:20

Scam Websites: What They Are & How to Avoid Them | KasperskyApril 16, 2021

Kuala Lumpur: Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) mengesan satu bentuk penipuan dalam talian melibatkan beberapa kes yang menggunakan laman web Maybank2U palsu bagi mengambil wang dalam akaun mangsa tanpa disedari.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (JSJK) Bukit Aman Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob berkata, dalam kes ini, sindiket ini akan menghantar e-mel kepada mangsa yang kononnya e-mel itu dihantar oleh pihak Maybank dengan menyatakan akaun milik mangsa mempunyai masalah keselamatan.

Beliau berkata, mangsa kemudiannya diminta untuk menekan pautan yang disertakan di dalam e-mel berkenaan.

"Setelah pautan ditekan laman sesawang seperti Maybank2U akan dipaparkan, namun tanpa disedari ianya merupakan laman sesawang palsu dan mangsa kemudiannya dikehendaki mengemas kini butiran peripadi, kata laluan serta nombor telefon melalui laman sesawang terbabit.

"Tidak lama setelah pengemaskinian dilakukan, mangsa akan mendapati wang di dalam akaun miliknya telah berkurangan," katanya dalam satu kenyataan hari ini.

Beliau berkata, berdasarkan rekod, PDRM menerima sebanyak empat laporan berkaitan kes penipuan melalui pautan Maybank2U palsu membabitkan kerugian RM22,300 dan suspek belum dikenal pasti.

Maybank warns of new fake banking website created to steal customer details PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 15 April 2021 09:02

Thursday, 15 Apr 2021
PETALING JAYA: Maybank has issued a scam alert warning customers about a new fake Maybank2u website created by fraudsters to steal banking information.

In a post on Twitter, Maybank shared that fraudsters will attempt to lure customers to login to bogus Maybank2u sites through messages sent via WhatsApp, SMS or email.

These messages aim to hoodwink customers into revealing their personal details – such as username, password, phone number and IC number – typically with false claims that their accounts have been compromised or judged as “high risk” by the bank’s system and that the user is required to “re-verify” their details.

Maybank stated that the company will never send reminders via SMS, email or WhatsApp with links urging users to login or update their Maybank2u account.
As an added security measure, it also reminded customers to manually key in the Maybank2u URL – – to access their account as links provided by others may not be safe.

The company previously issued an alert about a fake Maybank2u website in February which was used by scammers for phishing attacks. Customers were lured to the fraudulent website through a promotional post on Facebook with the promise of winning some prizes.

Customers who may have revealed their Maybank2u login details on scam websites are urged to contact the bank immediately at (03) 5891 4744.

Scammers using more sophisticated tactics PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 15 April 2021 08:15

Mengenai NCCC15 APR 2021
FEDERATION of Malaysian Consumers Associations (Fomca) and the National Consumer Complaints Centre (NCCC) would like to alert Malaysian consumers on the sudden spike of scam-related complaints.

Scammers are becoming more sophisticated with their tactics and are hoping consumers would let their guard down. Consumers are urged not to provide their personal, banking or any details to strangers.

Fomca has been receiving around 450 complaints and enquiries related to scams since January. Based on Fomca’s observation, the scammers take advantage of vulnerable consumers, and surprisingly some of the victims are highly-educated.

It is becoming more difficult to know and differentiate between a scam and a legitimate business.

Fomca would also like to urge the relevant authorities to be proactive and play their role in curbing unscrupulous activities. Many consumers are still not aware of scamming activities.

The Communications and Multimedia Ministry and Malaysian Communications Multimedia Commission should play an important role to educate consumers through their channels.

The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry also needs to frequently publish and update all scam-related cases on their website so consumers will be well informed.

Enforcement agencies must also charge these culprits, and increase fines and jail terms for these offences. Scammers are constantly trying to steal consumers’ personal data using fake emails, websites, phone calls and even text messages by using various ways to trick people into providing personal information like bank account numbers and other valuable information, such as credit card numbers.

Bukit Aman: Online jewellery scams on the rise PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 09 April 2021 09:18

The number of online jewellery scam cases have risen, with 37 cases involving losses amounting to RM239,530 recorded in the first three months this year.9 April 2021

KUALA LUMPUR: The number of online jewellery scam cases have risen, with 37 cases involving losses amounting to RM239,530 recorded in the first three months this year.

Bukit Aman Commercial Crime Investigation Department (CCID) director Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob said the scam cases recorded in the period was the highest in the past two years.

He said throughout 2019, 21 cases were reported involving losses of RM148,444 and the total rose in the subsequent year (2020) to 44 cases involving RM261,954.

"The development of communication and technology have created online business opportunities, with unlimited access and connectivity, especially when the country is facing the Covid-19 pandemic.
"Therefore, it has become the platform of choice for consumers, but at the same time, it has brought about scams involving the sale of non-existent items," he said in a statement today.

Zainuddin said his department has implemented various measures to ensure that the efforts to curb these activities are effective.

"Yet from the prevention aspect, the involvement of the public is much needed and I urge consumers to be careful in all online jewellery transactions.

The public is reminded not to believe any offer of jewellery that is below market price especially when they're made by individuals you cannot verify," he said.

Hati-hati penipuan jual beli barang kemas tak wujud PDF Print E-mail
Thursday, 08 April 2021 15:17

GAMBAR hiasan.April 8, 2021 @ 2:46pm
Kuala Lumpur: Sebanyak 37 kes penipuan berkaitan barang kemas membabitkan kerugian RM239,530 diterima pihak polis bagi tempoh tiga bulan pertama tahun ini.

Pengarah Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial (JSJK) Bukit Aman, Datuk Zainuddin Yaacob berkata, berdasarkan kajian, penipuan membabitkan barang kemas mencatatkan antara kes penipuan tertinggi.

"Pada 2019, sebanyak 21 kes dilaporkan membabitkan kerugian berjumlah RM148,444 dan jumlah kes meningkat kepada 44 kes pada tahun lalu dengan kerugian RM261,954.

"Bagi tempoh tiga bulan pertama tahun ini, sebanyak 37 kes direkodkan dengan jumlah kerugian RM239,530," katanya dalam kenyataan, hari ini.

Zainuddin berkata, peningkatan jumlah kes yang direkodkan dalam kes berkenaan perlu ditangani dengan serius.

"Perkembangan teknologi dan komunikasi mewujudkan peluang perniagaan secara dalam talian kerana akses mudah dan tanpa had khususnya ketika negara berdepan penularan pandemik Covid-19.

"Ia sekali gus menjadikan platform e-dagang menjadi pilihan pengguna. Namun, perkembangan ini juga turut mewujudkan jenayah penipuan penjualan barangan tidak wujud," katanya.

Beliau berkata, pihaknya sudah melaksanakan langkah-langkah yang perlu untuk memastikan usaha pembanterasan dilakukan dengan efektif serta berkesan.

Dua warga emas ditipu RM100,000 pelaburan tanam padi di Kemboja PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 02 April 2021 15:07

Carroll County Sheriff's Office warns of phone scammer claiming to be an  officerApril 2, 2021 10:50 MYT
KUANTAN: Dua wanita warga emas mendakwa kerugian RM50,000 setiap seorang selepas diperdayakan untuk menyertai pelaburan menanam padi di Kemboja, yang disertai mereka sejak tujuh tahun lepas.

Ketua Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersial Pahang Supt Mohd Wazir Mohd Yusof berkata mangsa yang berusia 75 dan 65 tahun mendakwa tertarik untuk melabur selepas menyertai jelajah kononnya dibuat sebuah syarikat pelaburan di sebuah hotel terkemuka di sini, sekitar Jun 2014.

"Pada program jelajah itu, mangsa mendakwa mereka dijanjikan pulangan sebanyak RM52,000 setiap tiga bulan untuk tempoh tiga tahun jika mengambil satu lot padi bernilai RM50,000.

"Mangsa mendakwa mereka menandatangani surat perjanjian sekitar Ogos 2014 selepas membuat bayaran RM50,000 melalui cek yang diserahkan kepada seorang ejen syarikat tersebut," katanya dalam kenyataan di sini, hari ini.

Mohd Wazir berkata, bagaimanapun kedua-dua mangsa mendakwa tidak pernah menerima pulangan yang dijanjikan sehingga tahun ini, selain gagal untuk menghubungi ejen syarikat itu menyebabkan mereka berasa ditipu.

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