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Consumer Alert - Celcom's 100 days 100 cars Contest PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 14 September 2009 11:22
Just beware of this Celcom contest. If you are not ready to part away with a hefty mobile bill, then please stay away from this contest. The NCCC has received way too many complaints on this issue.
Lets give some thought to this opinion: I think this should apply to all companies.
"In this era of high food and fuel prices, government-linked companies (GLCs) like Celcom should play their role to educate the public on how to save money and reduce expenses. They should not just think of their own profits
and organize activities like this which only benefits themselves at the rakyat's expense".

Thank you
Darshan Singh

"Treat Others The Way You Want Others To Treat You"