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Consumer's Complaint: Misleading Advertisement (E-Commerce) PDF Print E-mail
Friday, 15 January 2021 16:03

---------- From the Desk of CEO ----------

Type of complaint: Misleading Advertisement (E-Commerce)

Consumers Complaint:

NCCC has received a complaint from a consumer about being deceived by a misleading advertisement. The complainant bought a drill but all he got was a battery for the drill. He already spoke to the supplier and called company XXX but until now the consumer do not have any solution provided by the seller/company XXX services.

NCCC Action & Advise:

According to the Consumer Protection Act 1999, making false and misleading advertising is an offence. A false advertisement is one that provides deceiving information. A misleading advertisement is one that confuses or misleads consumers into making a wrong decision with regard to the purchase of goods and services.
  • NCCC has approached the company for a dispute resolution between the consumer and company.
  • NCCC also has forwarded the complaint to the enforcement authority to investigate the claim.
  • Consumers may be able to sue for damages if they can prove in court that the advertisement fraudulently made them lose money.
  • Consumers suing for misrepresentation must show that the seller intentionally cheated them.
  • Consumers may also report misleading advertisements to the Ministry of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs (KPDNHEP) which will act to stop false and misleading advertisements.